PSALMS 102–103
Psalm 103:5 “He satisfies your desires with good things.”
The Danger of Riches
Summary of Sermon preached by John Wesley.141
They that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful desires which drown men in destruction and perdition.” 1 Timothy 6:9
The apostle does not here speak of they that will be rich by evil means, by theft robbery, oppression or extortion; simply they that will be rich. What it is it is to be rich? The preceding verse says, “Having food and raiment (literally coverings: including lodgings as well as clothes) let us be content.” They that will be rich are those who will have more than these, more than the necessaries and conveniences of life, In other words “they that will be rich” are those that endeavour to “lay up treasures on earth”.
In fact is not the laying up of treasures on earth expressly and clearly forbidden by our Lord as either adultery or murder? The text says they that will be rich enter into temptation, a snare of the devil which he purposely put in their way ... Riches either desired or possessed naturally lead to some or other foolish desires, the desire of the eyes, that is seeking happiness in gratifying the imagination, the desire of honour, the desire of ease. All these in the proportion as they prevail, “pierce men through with many sorrows.”
I ask then in the name of God who of
you desire to be rich? Who of you desires to have more than the plain necessaries and conveniences of life? Stop! Consider! What are you doing? Evil is before you! Will you rush upon the point of a sword! By the grace of God, turn and live! By the same authority I ask of you, “Who of you are endeavouring to be rich?” To procure for yourselves more than the plain necessaries and conveniences of life? Lay each of you, your hand to your heart and inquire seriously “Am I of that number?” May the spirit of God say to everyone whom it concerns “Thou art the man!”
Are not you who have been successful in your endeavours to increase in substance, insensibly sunk into softness of the mind, if not of body too? You no longer rejoice to “endure hardship as good soldiers of Jesus Christ.” You no longer rush into the kingdom of heaven, and take it by storm. You do not cheerfully and gladly “deny yourselves and take up your cross daily.” You cannot deny yourself the poor pleasure of a little sleep, or a soft bed, in order to hear the word that is able to save your souls! Indeed you “cannot go out so early in the morning; besides it is dark, nay cold, perhaps rainy too. Cold, darkness, rain, all these together I can never think of it.” You did not say so when you were a poor man. It is the change of circumstances which has occasioned this melancholy change in your body and mind: You are but the shadow of what you were! What have riches done for you? But, you say, “It cannot be expected, I should do as I have done, for I am now grown old.” Am not I grown old as well as you? Am not I in my 78th year? Yet by the grace of God, I do not slack my pace yet.
All our riches are found in you, and in doing your will, Lord. If we are endeavouring to be rich and to procure more than the plain necessaries of life, show us, Lord, show us our hearts. You, Lord, are the one who satisfies all our desires with good things!
141 Wesley, J. Sermons Volume 7, ‘The danger of riches,’ 1,2.
DAY 20
Psalm 104:30 “When you send your Spirit ... you renew the face of the earth.”
Hearts Touched, Lives Changed
It is abundantly clear from reading the Journal of John Wesley that the Holy Spirit, particularly during the beginning of the Methodist awakening, was moving
in power. Frequently there were outward manifestations during the delivery of his messages. There would be conviction, convulsions, sighs and sobs, some crying out apparently in agony, until within a short while they were praising God. Frequently individuals would find Wesley after the meeting was over, if they were in spiritual need, but sometimes Wesley had to wait
till the next day before he knew what had happened as a result of his preaching. Wesley was preaching to a company of soldiers in Athlone and one soldier gave his testimony immediately afterwards: “I was going to a woman last night when one of my comrades met and asked me if I would go to the watch night. Out of curiosity I came; but for half the sermon I minded nothing that was said then God struck me to the heart, so that
I could not stand, but dropped down to the ground. I slept none last night and came to you [Wesley] in the morning; but I could not speak. I went from you to a few brethren, and they prayed with me till my burden dropped off. And now, by the grace of God we will part no more. I am ready to go with you all over the world.”142
A significant indication that the Lord had really begun a work in the hearts of those who had heard him preach was their presence at the meeting that Wesley frequently organised early the next morning. If those had been spiritually impacted the previous day were sufficiently motivated to come the following day, he felt that this was a good indication that they would find the Lord Jesus, the lover of their souls. on one occasion in Rye he said in his Journal that the next day: “The number of those who came at five in the morning showed that God had touched many hearts.”143 For Wesley it was not enough for hearts to be touched, he wanted to see lives changed too.
Send your Spirit, Lord. Renew me by your Spirit and change me. Change me into your image, Lord Jesus Christ. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me. Melt me, mould me, fill me, use me, Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.
142 Wesley, J. Journal, July 3, 1750,Vol 3,483.
143 Wesley, J. Journal, October 13,1758, Vol 4, 288 quoted in Skevington-Wood, A. The burning heart, 164, 165.
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