Saturday, January 25, 2014

Isaiah 35:8 ‘…it will be for those who walk in that Way’


Hebrews 4 – Hebrews 13


Isaiah 35:9,10


How eager are we to do what Jesus is telling us to do. Are we teachable? Sometimes it seemed as though Jesus told parables because he was waiting for his disciples to ask him for an explanation. Only the humble and teachable would ask for an explanation. When Jesus said 'I am the bread of Life, Eat my flesh, Drink my blood' - was he purposely making it difficult for his disciples to understand? Many of those in the crowds following Jesus were possibly approaching God as a means to meet their own selfish desires - free lunches, and escape from Hell, but Jesus clearly wanted and still wants true followers who follow him because it is right, because they know who he is.

Jesus was looking for teachable hearts and it seems that throughout the Bible, there are stories of the Lord testing people, as he looks for teachable hearts. In the Old Testament Adam and Eve were tested with the tree of knowledge of good and evil Abraham was tested on Mount Moriah with Isaac. Joseph was tested with his handling of dreams as young man with the advances of Potiphar's wife and his time in jail. Moses had two seasons of 40 years in the wilderness, one as a fugitive and one as leader of the Children of Israel and he became 'the meekest man in all the earth'. In Deuteronomy 8:2 we read ' Remember how the Lord led you in the desert.. to test your heart'. David was persecuted by Saul and was tested. Daniel was tested - Would he remain true to the Lord, when praying might cost him his life. Nebuchadnezzar was tested in Dan 4:33 and he lost his sanity but in the end praised God. In the New Testament. Nicodemus did not understand what was meant by "born again" and asked Jesus to explain. The rich young ruler was challenged to give away his possessions but this revealed his heart. Again and again the Lord was looking for teachable hearts

Are you teachable? If we think we have 'got it' pretty much now, then we are not teachable.Are you willing to be taught by those who are younger and less experienced than you ? Are you open to correction. Are you only open to correction from certain people- only those you respect or who you feel are more mature than you.

God has exciting plans for us but they require change. Are we willing to give up old ways for the new ?The good is the enemy of the best. Some have said in jest that 'Blessed are the flexible for they will not be broken' but are we flexible? Flexibility can mean a willingness to wait for God's time. Learn to dream with the Lord. Are we yielded to God? Or are we the kind of people who insist on our own way? Love does not insist on its own way. We don't have rights we have privileges. Are you free from tradition? A tradition is a principle that becomes a prison. Are you willing to be a new channel for leadership. Every new act of the Lord needs someone to start it. God can use you to be a channel for his creativity. Every new move of God needs someone to step back and let God do it. Do you have a desire for more truth? Are you wiling to make a greater commitment. Jesus learned obedience through what he suffered Hebrews 12 The cross was a final step of obedience. New heights are built on new depths. In order to be a channel for the new thing that God wants to do through you, you need to receive the new thing God wants to do in you

• Lord show me where I am inflexible and resistant to change. I want to be willing to change and respond to your initiatives in my life. I want to be a teachable disciple. I want to be one of those who walk in your way and do not depart from it. Help me Lord.

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